Department- Hindi

आमुख (Preamble)

Language is at the core of Human Consciousness and knowledge. It is all pervasive from the day to day living to academics, from passive recipient of information and entertainment to the active professional lives in offices, universities, colleges, school to media. The studies in languages over a period became more and more tilted towards literary works and the communicative aspects were relegated to the background.

In recent times we have seen a growing apathy towards language studies among the college going students. The present course tries to highlight the communicative aspect of language as even after almost two decades of large scale recruitment of translators and Hindi officers, greater job opportunities in Newspapers and Television channels, the quality of language use has not improved.

New policies of education are emphasizing the vocationalisation of higher education. Consequently, many courses on Functional Hindi, Vocational Hindi, etc. have been introduced by many universities, but have not become as popular among students as they should have been.

Dept. of Hindi is full of dedicated, talented and award-winning faculty whose mission is to cultivate awareness of and sensitivity to the ideas and human values characterizing human discourse, thought, experience and achievement. Studying the Indian Languages & schools of philosophy turn the students into analytically sound, critical and discriminating thinkers, who are aware of the cultural, political, and economic issues shaping our world. Presently the school has 2 languages, offers a deepen the sources of wisdom by learning how others have dealt with failures, success, adversities, and triumphs. It has technology-enhanced curriculum that encourages open-minded and informed consideration of the human tradition and the many beliefs, histories, and words of our collective cultural heritage by giving support and strengthen the local arts /folk literature of Rajasthan for the the transmission of knowledge.

उद्देश्य (Objectives)

This postgraduate course covers several areas with the following objectives in mind:

(i) to impart essential knowledge of literary forms, movements and trends in contemporary theory and interdisciplinary extensions;

(ii) to train the students to use their expertise for careers in journalism, translation, interpretation, advertising and corporate communication, performative art such as news reading and theater, Radio, television and film writing and production, publishing, as well as academic careers in Hindi language teaching, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies;

(iii) to equip them for higher specialization in the above areas;

(iv) to facilitate careers in creative and professional writing;

(v) to equip them for research in interdisciplinary areas such as mass communication, language, cultural studies, comparative literature and other fields;

(vi) to sensitize them towards contemporary issues.

Hindi Department Faculties

S NoFaculty PhotoFaculty NameQualificationDepartmentDesignationMobile No
1 Mr. Yuvraj Kumar Sahu M.A. Hindi, NETHindiAssistant Professor (Guest Faculty)9340854813